Tips & Tricks

How to Record a Drop on DropzApp

Your guide to recording and tagging an Audio Tour, Guide or Notice linked to a location on DropzApp.

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To start creating your free audio tour, guide or notice on DropzApp all you have to do is go to the location that you want to link the recording to. If you are recording a Drop for your followers then make sure you have created a page first and that that page is selected in the app (once you see your page’s icon on the screen then you are on the right page). Click here to find out how to create a page -> Create a page on DropzApp

1. Open DropzApp on your phone and click on the record icon.

Click the DropzApp Record Button to add an audio file to the map

2. The DropzApp recording screen will open. When you are at the right location and ready to record just press the record button and start telling your story.

The DropzApp Record page opens

3. Once your finished recording just press the record button again to stop the recording. Click here for tips on creating Dropz. If your not happy with your first take then either click the x and start again or just click record again and start talking. Your Drop isn’t saved until you save it. See below.

Click DropzApp Drop recording once your finished your recording

4. Now name your Drop. This helps you find it later in your list of Dropz.

Name you Drop location

5. Now the important bit! Once you are happy with your recording and with the location it will be tagged to then click the TAG button and that saves your Drop to that location. Our extra tip is to make sure the app goes to the next page when you click the TAG button. Depending on your location this may take a moment.

TAG an audio file to a location on DropzApp

6. Now you’re done and can go on to your next location.

Remember you can add Dropz from your desk using our Web App. Click here to find out more.

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How To Post Dropz Remotely Through the DropzApp WebApp

Firstly, to use our remote posting you have to create a page on DropzApp.

Check out our post on creating a page on DropzApp ->

Now that you have created your DropzApp Page let’s get started.

1. You can only use this feature on our WebApp on your computer. The feature is not available on your mobile device.

2. Now go to our website and click WebApp in the menu.

3. This will open the WebApp page and click Log In in the menu bar

4. Log in to the Web App using the same login you used when you signed up to DropzApp on your mobile.

5. This brings you to your profile page on our Web App. To the right you will see a menu – Click My Pages.

6. Now you’ll see the pages that you created on your mobile app. Then on the page you want to add a Drop to click DROPS.

7. Here you will see all your Dropz on that page. To create a NEW DROP click NEW DROP.

8. This opens the NEW DROP window.

a. Name your Drop

b. Then move the map till the little + sign, which IS hard to see (see red arrow), is over the location where you want to Drop your Dropz.

TOP TIP 1 – Magnify the map to precisely place your drop.

TOP TIP 2 Switch the MAP view to SATELLITE ( Second Image) and move the MAP until the + is where you think people passing will walk.

c. Now you can add an image – but not necessary – so that when you share your drop to other social media the image will be shared in the link.

d. Then finally upload your recording.

Press SAVE.

And the start again to upload another Drop.

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Tips & Tricks

How To Create A Dropper® Page On DropzApp

Open DropzApp on your phone

On the main screen click your profile image icon (Top left of Android and bottom right on iPhone)

Click DropzApp Profile Image

On this screen you will see your profile and your pages icons.

Create a page on DropzApp

To create a new page click the + New Page tab

Enter your page’s Dropper® username and upload a page image

What ever profile or page you select here is the profile or page your Dropz will be saved to.

You can see a list of all Dropz associated to each page or profile below.

You an SHARE your Dropper page to attract followers simply by selecting your Dropper page icon and clicking SHARE.

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Tips & Tricks

Your Guide to Creating Great Audio Tours & Dropz

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How you create your drops will have an immense impact in how you will interact an engage with your followers.

Become a great Dropper®

Below we give you our to 10 tips to creating great audio content.

  1. Prepare your content in advance.

    There are three ways to approach creating
    your Drop. If you’re drop is for your friends then just let your thoughts and observations flow. If you are creating Dropz for the general public and you have a good knowledge of the location we suggest making some notes in advance to guide your description just like you would if you were making a speech of a presentation and then let your story flow, guided by your notes. If you feel less confident then write out in advance your script. Speak it aloud and edit it to help it flow.
  2. Tell a story

    Everyone loves a great story.
    Have a beginning, middle and end to your story. Keep is concise. You don’t have to tell the full 500 year history of your landmark in one Drop. You can break stories into several Dropz focusing on different topics. For example one Drop can describe your landmark’s architecture. Another can tell a historical fact. Another can describe a previous owner with another Drop, perhaps, describing how your landmark fits into the culture of the area. If your landmark hosts events keep one Drop up to date with up and coming activities (remember to delete out dated Dropz to reduce clutter) See here – How to manage your Dropz
  3. Create a great headline

    Start each public Drop with a headline that captures your listeners attention. If you’re creating your Dropz in advance and using our WebApp to upload them then think about adding sound effects.
  1. Speak directly to your followers as if they are staning right in front of you.

  2. Add emotion to your Drop
    Rehearse your content so you can deliver with confidence.
    If you are adding a Drop on the fly just let it flow. First take is usually the best.
  3. Take your time
    Let your content do the talking

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