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How To Post Dropz Remotely Through the DropzApp WebApp

Firstly, to use our remote posting you have to create a page on DropzApp.

Check out our post on creating a page on DropzApp ->

Now that you have created your DropzApp Page let’s get started.

1. You can only use this feature on our WebApp on your computer. The feature is not available on your mobile device.

2. Now go to our website and click WebApp in the menu.

3. This will open the WebApp page and click Log In in the menu bar

4. Log in to the Web App using the same login you used when you signed up to DropzApp on your mobile.

5. This brings you to your profile page on our Web App. To the right you will see a menu – Click My Pages.

6. Now you’ll see the pages that you created on your mobile app. Then on the page you want to add a Drop to click DROPS.

7. Here you will see all your Dropz on that page. To create a NEW DROP click NEW DROP.

8. This opens the NEW DROP window.

a. Name your Drop

b. Then move the map till the little + sign, which IS hard to see (see red arrow), is over the location where you want to Drop your Dropz.

TOP TIP 1 – Magnify the map to precisely place your drop.

TOP TIP 2 Switch the MAP view to SATELLITE ( Second Image) and move the MAP until the + is where you think people passing will walk.

c. Now you can add an image – but not necessary – so that when you share your drop to other social media the image will be shared in the link.

d. Then finally upload your recording.

Press SAVE.

And the start again to upload another Drop.

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